Michelle McPherson - Nepal

Thank you to each of you for your continued love, support, and prayers!! Each of you play such an important role in my life in Nepal and making it possible.
Please continue to pray for me, Nepal, and our missionary partners!
My name is Michelle McPherson and after a couple of years in corporate America, I felt a different calling on my life. This calling was from God to serve Him in the nations. This all began with my first Kingdom Journey on the World Race, serving God in 11 countries in 11 months. I traveled with 45 men and women from nation to nation to serve the least of these and share the love of Jesus to everyone I encountered. This experience radically transformed my life and while in Kathmandu, Nepal, I chose to say yes to Jesus. To me, saying yes means deciding to live a lifestyle of radical abandonment of my life pre-“race.” I have been on staff with Iris Nepal since July 2014. Here I am serving the nation of Nepal by ushering in revival. I serve the nation through intercession/worship, street ministry, church plants, feeding ministry, and spreading the love of Jesus with the one He puts in front of me daily.
In 2018, God opened a door to come alongside The Cafe of Bethesda in Kathmandu, and after many years of prayer, God opened an opportunity for a business visa, which will allow me to stay in Nepal. This was such an answer to prayers! I’m able to use my skills from culinary school to oversee the daily operations while also mentoring and making disciples of the staff. It’s been amazing to see how I can use my passions and skills back in the restaurant world! I’m always open to whatever the Holy Spirit is speaking and move as He leads me.